Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dieting news 13/09/2007

Dieting news 13/09/2007
Then, of course, you start wondering if the diet is really right for you and if this is the right time to do it and, suddenly, right before your eyes, there are a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t be dieting. Does this sound familiar? ...

Dieting: I Can't Afford To Lose Weight!
are so eager to lose weight that we swallow the promises of every diet guru on the planet and eagerly plunk down our hard earned cash, praying that this time it will work. Onestepahead.

Dieting news 13/09/2007
Teenage girls who start dieting are nearly two times more likely to also take up smoking regularly, compared with teenage girls who are not dieting. Among teenage boys, it is the inactive dieters -- those that tried dieting but didn't ...

Diets can kill you (The Star)
London - Fighting the flab may not only be pointless - it could also be dangerous. This is according to one of the largest studies of the effects of dieting.

Six Bodybuilding Dieting Mistakes
u have probably noticed that muscle doesn't miraculously appear overnight. Building muscle takes time, patience, and accuracy in training and nutrition. Let's fact it, bodybuilding is a science, and with all the information available to ...

diet lose pounds fat